PG&E SVP Brian Cherry Fired Over My PG&E Laptop Breach


When Kieth Lynds of Hillside Covenant Church posted a near clairvoyant and highly insightful message via Facebook on July 17th 2011 where he revealed that he'd clearly was behind the breaching of my laptop.  

Three days later on July 20th 2011 Keith was sending messages seeking to meet me at Round Up Bar Lafayette CA but on the way someone drove me into oncoming traffic where the car was totaled.  

Then about two weeks later I'm facing Walnut Creek Police Captain Schultz with Sgt. Mike Chan with a detective who'd been following me around Walnut Creek.  

The car was sold to me by Paul Redditt of Ravenel Enterprises who employed me to work on the PG&E Hydro Testing Project related to the PG&E San Bruno Fire.  When Ravenel failed to pay for services I connected PG&E with complaints that my car accident was related to the PG&E Project. 

About a year later I discovered that Redditt placed over 10,000 pages of sensitive data e.g. pipeline maps and maps of small inconsequential locations such as the Metcalf Station where this minor sniper attack occured.  

The maps, databases, charts, locations and GPS Coordinates would be worth millions to any terrorist group seeking to decimate PG&E Gas Transmission System.  My first letter arrived at PG&E in August 2011, the PG&E Count One Indictment is probably related in part to these events. 

Long before this project came along someone torched my attorneys offices in 2001, then someone else attacked and beat up a different attorney, then someone murdered the brother of yet another attorney whose father is attorney connected to PG&E.  

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