EBRC Vandals Topple East Bay Radio Tower

Vandals Topple Tower while you were sleeping 

Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 • Updated at 11:50 AM PDT

A massive communications tower on East Bay Regional Park District property collapsed over the weekend, prompting park police to seek the vandals who likely toppled it.

Lt. Jon King said despite the tower falling on its side on the Rocky Ridge, west of San Ramon and Danville, sometime before Monday morning, no one was injured and all systems remained operational because the communication systems are built with backups.

King did not say exactly when the tower fell over.

Police were alerted to the problem about 9 a.m. on Monday.

Officers responded and found that the cables that hold the tower in place had been cut, causing it to fall, police Capt. Mark Ruppenthal told Bay City News.

The tower supports radio communications systems, including public safety communications, across the East Bay.

Investigators are trying to determine why vandals would target the tower, which is located in a remote area of the park behind multiple gates and fences. "It's not easily accessed," he said.    
MORE: 911 Calls Down From Land Lines in South Santa Clara County

It’s unclear if this communications tower toppling is related to what’s been going on in the South Bay.

In April, the PG&E substation in South San Jose was vandalized, most likely by gunfire, shutting down 911 systems for much of the day.

And in May, a suspicious man in black was seen casing the property, according to the Santa Clara County Sheriff.

Anyone with information about the East Bay tower should call park police at (510) 881-1833.



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