Abstract: In this article I will correlate why my 2004 Truck fire will lead to solving all the fires in Contra Costa County. Several of these fires occurred in Rossmoor that will lead from the Limo Fire on Skycrest to the Limo Fire on the San Mateo Bridge which could lead to the deadly FedEx Truck Fire where students heading northbound Interstate 5 in preparation of attending college.

From there I will argue that the sum of these events connect to the PG&E San Bruno Explosion and the Walnut Creek Explosions. The only two North American Gas Line Explosions that resulted in significant deaths occurred in the same geographic region but worse had the Municipal Pooling Authority, EBMUD and Contra Costa Law Enforcement had done their job then we'd know the truth about the The Dead Contra Costa Witness Program or that perhaps my efforts connected to my 2004 Truck Fire are being derailed to cover up the obvious that it was attempted murder.